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Ulcerative colitis

avi helps you with ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis is one of the chronic bowel disease against the no preventive measures are known. Particularly perfidious: The large intestine disorder is often seen by those affected even at a young age and impairs massively their quality of life. Eine early diagnosis and targeted therapy However, complaints can effectively alleviate. Our experienced doctors Are you up to in the fight against ulcerative colitis at the side of all our locations.

What is ulcerative colitis?

The term ulcerative colitis refers to a chronic inflammatory bowel disease, similar to Crohn's disease, which often affects people between twenty and thirty-five years concerns.

Causally for ulcerative colitis Are immune cells of the intestinal wall, the Active in batches Become, a Provoke inflammation And so that damage an organ. The course of the disease This varies in severity and duration. Ulcerative colitis can be both mild and intense, sporadically and continuously.

In contrast toward Crohn's disease Does the prolonged inflammation of the organ follow a continuous pattern. This is how it starts in the rectum and gradually rises up the large intestine.

When does ulcerative colitis start?

For a reliable diagnosis of ulcerative colitis, several medical steps required. These include a anamnesis and physical exams such as an endoscopy, which shows typical signs of inflammation (such as mucosal swelling and bleeding).

In the course of diagnosis, you must also other potential illnesses which trigger symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhoea are excluded. These include infections, cancers or a irritable bowel. A biopsy can be used as an additional measure here.

What are the causes of ulcerative colitis?

The trigger For immune cells that become active in batches, Not known to date. To the most common risk factors However, the development of ulcerative colitis includes:

  • genetic predisposition (the bowel disease often affects several members of a family)
  • disorders of the intestinal flora
  • a high-fat diet

What are the possible symptoms of ulcerative colitis?

Die typical symptoms Ulcerative colitis includes:

  • bloody and slimy diarrhea
  • pain in the lower abdomen and during defecation
  • fevers
  • liver and biliary disorders
  • rare too: joint problems and skin changes

Ulcerative colitis treatment in avi

At the heart of successful treatment of your ulcerative colitis is a targeted therapy. Depending on the severity of the bowel disease and the individual patient's wishes, here is the Choice between several effective measures. 

To the proven measures, which are carried out in a hospital or by a specialist include:

  • A step therapy consisting of various medications taken during a relapse or as a prophylaxis
  • for severe cases: surgical therapy in which the inflamed tissue is removed. In some cases, this also involves the installation of a pouch (artificial bowel outlet)

To those from Measures offered by avi Your GP practice includes:

  • regular laboratory checks for iron or vitamin deficiencies
  • early detection of a possible inflammation of the pouch
  • complementary medical approaches. These include supporting the intestinal flora with foods such as psyllium, turmeric and pomegranate, as well as physical exercise or relaxation techniques and acupuncture