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Crohn's disease

avi helps you with Crohn's disease

This incurable, chronic inflammatory bowel disorder expresses itself in relapsing-like symptoms, the quality of life of those affected Reduce massively. But: One early diagnosis and targeted therapy Can the symptoms effectively alleviate. Our experienced doctors Are you standing in the fight against Crohn's disease at all our locations to the side.

What is Crohn's disease?

Like ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease is one of the chronic inflammatory bowel diseases. However, while people with ulcerative colitis are usually between twenty and thirty-five years of age at the onset of the disease, Crohn's disease already occurs earlier on.

As with ulcerative colitis, the trigger for Crohn's disease is Not known to date.

The disease is characterized by Mucous membrane changes and Intestinal wall off. These enable bacteria and other pathogens to invade the organ. Benign intestinal bacteria Become so supersedes or in for them foreign wall layers pressed. The result is a inflammatory response of the intestine. This can be in Severity and duration vary and occur both in batches and continuously.

Crohn's disease usually affects end piece of the small intestine and the Start of the large intestine. In rare cases, the esophagus or stomach as well.

In contrast to ulcerative colitis, prolonged inflammation of the organ follows a discontinuous patterns. This means that healthy parts of the intestine alternate with healthy ones.

When is it Crohn's disease?

For a reliable diagnosis, Crohn's disease is as with ulcerative colitis several medical steps required.

At the beginning of the diagnosis, you must first other potential diseases ruled out What symptoms are like abdominal pain and diarrhoea trigger. These include infections, cancers or a irritable bowel. It is followed by the anamnesis and physical exams Like a endoscopy, which typical predictors of intestinal inflammation Should show (such as mucosal swelling and bleeding). One biopsy is used for Confirmation of final diagnosis. In rare cases, an MRI image supplements the diagnosis.

What are the triggers of Crohn's disease?

Proven triggers for Crohn's disease are up to Not known today. To the most common risk factors However, the following counts for a development:

  • genetic predisposition (several genes are now associated with Crohn's disease)
  • smoking

What are the possible symptoms of Crohn's disease?

To the typical, often Symptoms that occur intermittently Crohn's disease includes:

  • severe diarrhea, in some cases replaced by periods of constipation (due to bowel constrictions or bowel obstruction)
  • Protrusions in the lower abdomen (due to intestinal adhesions)
  • redness, swelling, and pain in the anal area (due to fistulas)
  • problems absorbing important nutrients and vitamins
  • weight loss and stunted growth (in children)
  • anemia
  • “fat stools” (identified by yellowing)
  • Dry skin and hair loss
  • joint, eye and biliary problems
  • canker sores and pustules in the oral mucosa with lip swelling
  • Very painful skin changes, sometimes visible as blisters, with wounds and deep open areas

The treatment of Crohn's disease in avi

Die comprehensive treatment Avi's disease starts with early diagnosis. Medical measures based on this are:

  • Preparation of an anamnesis
  • abdominal ultrasonography
  • Exclusion of other diseases
  • Blood and stool tests to assess the inflammatory response
  • Laboratory check for possible impaired absorption of nutrients from food

The diagnosis is followed by targeted therapy. This comprises:

  • abstinence from nicotine or foods that are difficult to digest
  • the medicamental substitution of important vitamins and minerals
  • Preparations such as cortisone (as an enema, suppository or tablet for acute relapses) or other immunosuppressants, antibiotics for additional bacterial infections and other medications as prophylaxis between episodes of illness

In very rare, severe cases And with a Medication failure Will treatment in hospital be operational measures expanded.