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Congenital heart defect

How Avi Medical can help you with a congenital heart defect

A congenital heart defect is scary at first. But don't panic: We at Avi Medical are here to support you at all times. Small congenital heart defects, such as a leak between the two atria, are common and affect up to 35 percent of people Population. These diseases, which arise in the embryonic period, are usually asymptomatic and therefore do not require treatment. Serious heart defects are rarer - but also require acute therapy. Fortunately, these defects are usually diagnosed immediately after birth and corrected immediately with surgery or medication. In the event that a congenital heart defect has previously remained undetected and therefore untreated: our experienced doctors at Avi Medical will accompany you to all of our Locations in therapy.

What are congenital heart defects?

Under the clinical picture of congenital heart defects include a variety of different defects that unborn children develop during pregnancy. The most important include: 

  • the persistent foramen ovale (an opening between the left and right cardiac Atrium, which closes immediately after birth in healthy people)
  • Ventricular septal defect (an opening in the wall between the heart chambers)
  • Persistent Ductus arteriosus Botalli ( a connection between the pulmonary arteries and the main artery, which should become obliterated after birth)
  • Aortic stenosis (a narrowing in the junction of the left heart and the main artery)
  • Narrowings the heart valves

When do they become congenital heart defects?

A congenital heart defect is diagnosed at the moment when there was evidence of a cardiac anomaly at birth.

What are the triggers of congenital heart defects?

The exact mechanism by which congenital heart defects occur has not yet been completely clarified. However, the possible triggers include:

  • genetically determined diseases (chromosomal disorders such as trisomy 21 or Down syndrome)
  • alcohol and nicotine abuse during pregnancy
  • very old age of the parents

What are possible symptoms of congenital heart defects?

Small congenital heart defects are usually asymptomatic. The symptoms of severe heart defects include:

  • Disturbances in the normal, age-appropriate development of the infant
    Signs of heart failure (e.g. breathing problems or enlarged liver)

  • Cardiac arrhythmias
  • increased heart rate
  • a weak palpatory pulse
  • quick fatigue
  • signs of reduced blood flow, especially in the periphery (fingers and toes but also oral mucosa and tongue, which often turn blue or gray

Treatment of congenital heart defects at Avi Medical

The majority of congenital heart defects are detected immediately at birth on sonography or theECG if symptoms are present In rare cases, the diagnosis is not made until adolescence. We at Avi Medical can help you with the following diagnostic tools:

  • Preparation of an anamnesis (this records previous illnesses as well as physical complaints in states of stress or rest)
  • Auscultation (listening to the heart with the stethoscope)
  • for abnormal heart sounds: ultrasound of the heart 
  • ECG
  • chest x-ray< /li>
  • Determination of peripheral oxygen saturation