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avi helps you with Alzheimer's

Alzheimer's dementia is a incurable, degenerative memory disorder, which affects over a million people in Germany. But: Although the disease is irreversible, comprehensive therapy can slow down their course And the Mitigate symptoms. Our experienced doctors will assist you at all our locations.

What is Alzheimer's dementia?

With a share of over fifty percent Is Alzheimer's dementia the most common form of the dementia symptom complex. The clinical picture is characterized by a progressive memory disorder which is marked by the loss of nerve tissue in the cerebrum.

Typical are also amyloid plaque deposits in the organ. The result of these brain abnormalities, which have not been fully clarified to date, is cognitive impairment, which is from a loss of orientation ability up to Unlearning skills that have already been learned enough.

When is it Alzheimer's dementia?

Zur A reliable diagnosis of dementia For potentially affected persons, must:

  • Existing symptoms persist for at least six months
  • disorders of higher cognitive abilities can be proven by laboratory technology
  • Consciousness disorders (such as delirium) must be ruled out
  • The sensory organs work normally as far as possible

For the specific diagnosis of Alzheimer's dementia Patients also show:

  • a memory disorder with a slow onset
  • Social interaction issues
  • Accumulation of certain proteins in brain water
  • Loss of brain mass in areas typical of Alzheimer's disease (especially the temporal lobe and hippocampus) detectable on CT or MRI

What are the causes of Alzheimer's dementia?

Die trigger Alzheimer's dementia is Not fully clarified to date. In suspicions the clinical picture trigger, but at this point in time there are:

  • deposits of misfolded proteins in the brain (beta-amyloids)
  • genetic predisposition. Many people affected have relatives with Alzheimer's dementia

Good to know: While their triggers are unknown, is there demonstrable protective factors, which reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's dementia. These include:

  • a high level of education
  • many close social contacts

What are the possible symptoms of Alzheimer's dementia?

To the Concomitant symptoms of Alzheimer's dementia, which are also found in other forms of dementia Count: 

  • a worsening of memory and associated restrictions on daily life. This includes problems finding routes or operating devices
  • Disorders of concentration and orientation (temporally, locally and later with one's own person). Those affected forget, for example, where they are and, as the disease progresses, personal characteristics such as their own name or birthday

Alzheimer's dementia is also characterized by a number of specific early and late symptoms off. Above all The former barely fall at first On, as affected by them often deliberately overplay or compensate.

To the Early symptoms Count:

  • mild depression
  • Smelling problems
  • Decrease in motivation

To the late symptomsCount n:

  • Trouble naming items
  • Reading, arithmetic, and drawing problems
  • sudden silence
  • Delusional symptoms up to hallucinations
  • Day-night rhythm disorders
  • incontinence

Treatment of Alzheimer's dementia in avi

Den first step The comprehensive treatment of Alzheimer's dementia consists of diagnostics. For us from avi, this includes:

  • the exclusion of a temporary memory problem (by compiling an anamnesis and physical examinations)
  • Neurological tests including memory tests
  • Blood test for vitamin deficiencies or inflammation
  • If necessary, cerebrospinal fluid examination (cerebrospinal fluid puncture)
  • CT of the head (by a specialist)

It is followed by targeted therapy Alzheimer's dementia, which Slow down progressive progress And the Mitigate symptoms Should. This comprises:

  • special training courses. Here, sufferers and relatives receive help and tips on how to preserve their memory as well as guidelines on behavior in everyday situations reduced by illness
  • non-pharmacological therapies (occupational therapy, movement therapy)
  • Medicinal options for cognitive decline (anti-dementia drugs) and accompanying symptoms (such as antidepressants for depression)