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Influenza (flu) vaccination

Flu season 2024 has begun - get vaccinated on time

From now on, all of our locations have the flu vaccine in stock for you. To protect yourself from an illness and avoid a severe flu epidemic, you can now get vaccinated at your avi practice.

What is the flu?

Behind this is an infection caused by influenza viruses. The flu is caused by viruses that are transmitted by droplets, such as when sneezing, coughing or talking. You can also transfer the viruses from hand to hand, for example when shaking hands or via contaminated objects (such as door handles). There is a particular risk of infection where there are many people, for example on public transport, workplaces, schools or shopping centers.
The real flu (influenza) is sometimes barely distinguishable from a harmless cold (flu-like infection). In around a third, the flu starts suddenly with a high fever as well as headaches, sore throats and body aches. Dry cough and unusually severe exhaustion are also characteristic. In addition, sweats and sore throats are possible. However, it can also be severe and, for example, cause pneumonia and even lead to death.
Complications primarily affect people with pre-existing conditions and people of older age. Pregnant women are also at increased risk of pneumonia in particular

Who and when should be vaccinated against flu?

The Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) recommends vaccination against flu (influenza) for all people aged 60 and over. There are other groups of people who may need vaccination, which can be found here.

The flu vaccination must be repeated every year with the latest, adapted vaccine, as flu viruses can change very quickly. The best time to do this is in October/November, as it takes around 14 days until vaccination protection is established.

Vaccination is particularly recommended for the following groups of people:

- People who are over 60 years old

- people with underlying medical conditions

- Pregnant women from the second trimester

- medical staff and carers

- residents of retirement and nursing homes

How is vaccination carried out and what must be considered?

The flu shot is a dead vaccine. The vaccination is done in your upper arm muscle. Stimulating the body's immune system after vaccination can occasionally cause redness or swelling at the injection site, which can also be painful. General symptoms such as fever, chills or sweating, tiredness, headaches and muscle pain may also occur in the first few days after vaccination. Such vaccination reactions usually subside after a few days.

How can I get vaccinated with Avi?

To check whether you have vaccination protection, simply arrange a Vaccination status check appointment in one of our avi practices and talk to our team of doctors. You will be given detailed advice as to whether you are already protected or whether you should receive a vaccination. The doctors will also check whether there are any other vaccinations that would be useful for you and will carry them out directly if necessary.

How are flu or influenza viruses transmitted?

From person to person
The flu is very contagious. When sneezing, coughing or talking, the smallest, virus-containing droplets of nasopharyngeal secretions from patients get into the air and can be inhaled by other people nearby.

The viruses are also passed on through the hands if they have come into contact with virus-containing secretions. If the mouth, nose or eyes are then touched, the flu viruses can enter the body via the mucous membranes.

About contaminated objects
The pathogens can also stick to door handles, handrails or similar objects and can be passed on from there via the hands.

What signs of illness do flu sufferers have?

Around a third of all illnesses typically start with a sudden onset of illness, fever, sore throat and dry cough, accompanied by muscle, limb, back or headache. Especially in older people, the signs of illness are often not as pronounced and are more like a cold. If the course is uncomplicated, the symptoms disappear after 5 to 7 days. However, the cough can last much longer.

The severity of the condition may be different. A flu infection can be mild or completely without symptoms. However, the flu can also be associated with severe cases of illness, which, in the worst case, lead to death.

As the most common complications Pneumonia is feared. Middle ear infections may also develop in children. Inflammation of the brain or heart muscle can rarely occur.

When does the disease break out and how long are you contagious?

After an infection, you feel the first symptoms relatively quickly after 1 to 2 days. Patients can be contagious the day before the symptoms start and up to about 1 week after the first signs of illness occur. Children or people with a weakened immune system can also eliminate the pathogens for a longer period of time.