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Smoker's cough

How avi helps you with smoker's cough

For countless smokers, smoker's cough is a daily companion. But: The mucous bronchi should definitely be taken seriously, as they can be the first sign of serious lung diseases. So start treating your smoker's cough as early as possible — our doctors at Avi Medical will help you.

What is smoker's cough?

The so-called smoker's cough is a chronic cough, which occurs among smokers. He can do that first signs be of chronic bronchitis and thus as a precursor to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) be scored. Good to know: The term “smoker's cough” is not a medical term, but is used colloquially.

When is it smoker's cough?

The diagnosis of “smoker's cough” is extremely individual - depending on the patient's previous illness, vulnerability and number of regular cigarettes. Smoker's cough never appears suddenly, but develops gradually.

What are the causes of smoker's cough?

The trigger of smoker's cough is long-term smoking (including e-cigarettes or shisha) and the associated continuous exposure of the bronchi and lungs to various toxins. The cough is caused by causes the following abnormalities: 

  • The cilia of the lungs, which filter and transport normally inhaled particles out of the organ, stick together and die. As a substitute, the cough helps transport the particles
  • Nicotine consumption reduces the purification of the lungs from pathogens such as fungi, bacteria and viruses. Smokers therefore fall ill more easily and recover more slowly
  • smoking leads to inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. As a result, there is a narrowing of this and increased mucus production, which is intended to protect the lungs

What are the possible symptoms of smoker's cough?

You recognize smoker's cough the following typical symptoms: 

  • chronic cough that mainly occurs in the morning
  • viscous sputum with a discolored tint depending on the concomitant disease (usually clear at the beginning of development, later yellow-greenish or even with an addition of blood)
  • Shortness of breath, which can occur both during exercise and at rest
  • shortness of breath
  • whistling or rustling breathing sounds
  • “development crackling” after getting up (crackling breathing sound caused by sticking or collapsing alveoli during sleep)

The treatment of smoker's cough at avi

Our experienced doctors Are available to you at Smoker's cough therapy at at the side of all our locations. The first important step for us is Exclusion of another causal underlying disease (such as a tumor).

If this can be excluded, the following is targeted treatment of smoker's cough, around the unfolding one chronic bronchitis or COPD toward prevent. To the essential measures Count here:

  • quitting smoking. This is how the cilia of the lungs can recover and regenerate
  • saline inhalations
  • Mucolytic (e.g. lip brake)