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This is how avi helps you with a stroke

In Germany, 270,000 people suffer a stroke every year. A clinical picture that is based on an ischemic cause (circulatory disorder) in up to 85 percent of cases.

In order to rule out long-term consequences, action as quickly as possible is crucial in the worst case scenario. However, proper prevention is just as important in the fight against this group of cardiovascular chronic diseases. Our doctors from avi are there to help you with this at all our locations.

What is a stroke?

A stroke is a acute undersupply of the brain, followed by an infarction. This loss of tissue in the organ induced depending on the affected area of the brain physical failure symptoms, Such as visual and olfactory disorders or paralysis.  

A possible precursor to this clinical picture is the so-called transient ischemic attack (TIA). This also results in an undersupply of the brain, but without tissue loss and the resulting loss symptoms. A TIA therefore usually causes no sequential damage, but increases the risk of developing a stroke — particularly in the first days and weeks after the attack.

When is it a stroke?

A ischemic stroke is caused by a local circulatory disorder and therefore lack of supply to the brain diagnosed.

A second group of this clinical picture, the hemorrhagic (bloody) Stroke is in turn caused by a neurological dysfunction recognized. The triggers for this are a hemorrhage (due to a fall, for example) or that spontaneous tearing abnormal vasodilation.

What are the triggers of a stroke?

To the possible triggers one ischemic stroke These include:

  • Embolisms (small blood clots) that occur due to heart rhythm disorders (atrial fibrillation) or inflammation of the heart, enter the brain with the bloodstream and clog smaller vessels there
  • atherosclerosis
  • a splitting and thus narrowing of the artery walls (dissection)
  • hypertension

A hemorrhagic stroke Can in turn following triggers have:

  • Spontaneous bleeding with no identifiable causes
  • bleeding due to increased blood pressure or injured vessels
  • Vascular wall disorders due to age-related deposits of certain proteins
  • medications (such as too high a dose of anticoagulants)
  • Congenital vascular malformations
  • Tumor diseases
  • traumatic brain injury

What are the possible symptoms of a stroke?

You recognize a stroke depending on the affected area of the brain Based on the following typical and usually sudden symptoms:

  • unilateral movement disorders (paralysis of left foot and arm, when the right half of the body is asymptomatic)
  • Speech and vision disorders (such as problems finding words or an impairment of the fluency of speech)

Additional possible symptoms are:

  • sensory disorders (unilateral or, for example, only affecting the upper or lower extremity)
  • Impaired fine motor skills (e.g. when writing or grasping)
  • gait and balance disorders

If the lower areas of the brain (small horn or brain stem) are affected, there is particularly serious symptoms. These include:

  • Disorders of consciousness from delirium to coma
  • paralysis of all limbs
  • swallowing disorders
  • respiratory paralysis

Stroke treatment at avi

A acute stroke Requires a quick diagnostics and one immediate therapy with stationary admission at the nearest clinic. Ideally, this includes one for strokes specialized station (the stroke unit).

Deal just in case our experienced doctors Here's how:

  • Recanalization of the affected constriction through medical lysis therapy (dissolution of the thrombus) or mechanically through a small catheter and, if necessary, insertion of a stent
  • during a hemorrhagic stroke: pressure relief by draining the blood that has accumulated in the skull

avi also secures through the following measures which aftercare of the successfully treated stroke:

  • Medicinal prophylaxis
  • Regular checks of blood levels and blood pressure

And so that there is no stroke in the first place — prevention for us from avi an important component. This is composed as follows:

  • Consistent screening for risk factors
  • Treating existing risk factors by adjusting blood pressure, blood sugar, weight and cholesterol levels to optimal levels
  • Regular physical activity
  • Avoid nicotine and alcohol
  • Early diagnosis and (drug) treatment of cardiac arrhythmias